Double Graphene Puffer Polished Men's Silk


Inspired by the isolation of graphene in 2004 – and the invention of the Double Cheeseburger in 1937 – the Double Graphene Puffer is engineered with ‘double graphene’ thanks to an ultra lightweight graphene shell on the outside, and graphene insulation on the inside.
Graphene is the lightest, strongest, most conductive material ever discovered. Invisible to the human eye and only a single atom thick, if you’re looking to reverse engineer superhero gear then this is your material. It wasn’t until 2004 that two maverick scientists at the University of Manchester were able to isolate and test graphene. In 2010 their work won them the Nobel Prize. And thanks to their pioneering work we’ve been creating our own world firsts with graphene since 2018.
Every Double Graphene Puffer is built with an ultralight weather resistant outer shell with a graphene core, and recycled synthetic insulation infused with graphene nanoparticles. And because graphene conducts heat better than any material on Earth, it means the jacket can store and redistribute warmth, reduce humidity next to your body, and help regulate your temperature.